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We're Here To Help

Did you know that you could be riding faster, longer, and in greater comfort? Folks come from all over northern California to get our BG F.I.T. professional bike fitting services. Learn more about our services and schedule your appointment with a fit specialist today.

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What's the Secret?

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BG F.I.T., is part bike fit, part ergonomic geometry, and part components (including Specialized stems and saddles) that allow customization of your position to perfectly fit your body. BG F.I.T. is the first totally integrated system for fitting the bike to the rider.

The father of BG F.I.T., Andy Pruitt, EdD, PA, the Director of the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine, has been helping cyclists ride better for more than 30 years and literally wrote the book on cycling and medicine.

The optimal fit enables a rider to get the most performance from her/his bike and body. Comfort, speed, and control can all be enhanced to ensure that whatever your objectives are, you will be better equipped to meet them… and with greater enjoyment. At Victory Velo, we have made significant investments in training and equipment in order to assist you in arriving at your optimal fit.

Call us today  at 530-885-3986 to schedule an appointment.

It is important to realize that there is no perfect fit. Changes in one’s fitness, size, riding style, preference, and attitude influence what feels right and works best. Also, our bodies are constantly changing, thus the relationship with the bike should change as well. It is important that we keep in mind this dynamic relationship and remain prepared to make small adjustments to the ‘new’ fit as time in the saddle increases.

Though some like to follow fit philosophies that exclusively utilize formulas, we appreciate that there is no average body type, and thus the combination of proven formulas, rider feedback, and an experienced eye guide us to the most comfortable and efficient position for you.

Schedule Your Bike Fit Today

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